Luxury tent for two persons with bed, clean sheets and two towels is perfect for couples to spend some quality time together. In front of tent you have two chairs with table and hamock.
Kaj je Vključeno
- Voda in Električni priključki zraven kuhinje
- Skupne sanitarje
- Brezplačen wifi
- Gasilske mize
- Ognjišče in Žar
- Otroško igrišče
- Postelja/posteljnina/brisače
- Miza z dvema stoloma
Pets are not allowed in this tent but can sleep outside.
- Oseb: 2
- Pogled: Olive yard, Forest
- Velikost: 7m²
- Tip postelje: Dubble bed
- Udobje: OgnjiščeBrezplačen WiFiKuhinjaMizaStranišča & TušiVoda